Today, most people don’t think of Africa as a major leader in the world of science and technology. This is because for most of its history, Africa has heavily relied on other countries for their scientific knowledge and technological developments. It has not been self-sustaining in this area, and thus has created a problem for itself moving into a future that is heavily dictated by these fields. If Africa wants to move forward into a bright future for its people, it needs to gain scientific independence – a movement which is heavily supported by many great philanthropists here such as Alvaro Sobrinho, among others.
Why is scientific progress so important?
Our world today is being fueled by an economy of information, technology and data. Information is traveling at a record speed, scientific developments are rising daily and it is necessary to keep up with the world leaders in these fields in order to have a chance at economic success in this day and age. Africa has traditionally relied on an economy of production, meaning they have produced crops and minerals using their land – but that is not as helpful in the 21st century when technology and science have become so important. Africa needs to be producing its own scientific developments to fuel its economy, rather than relying on the resources provided by other countries.
What does scientific progress look like?
So the next question then becomes: what does scientific progress in Africa actually look like? What concrete action steps can be taken to get Africa to where it needs to be in the areas of science and tech? First, the forward movement starts with educating the future generations. It means creating better university programs and hiring quality teachers to educate students. It means dedicating funds to the facilities and materials for these universities, and encouraging bright young students to enter the fields of science and technology.
It also means that Africa should be spending money to develop high-quality research facilities for the new scientists and technological experts to create their work. One problem with focusing solely on education is that the newly trained graduates may seek work elsewhere in the world with better facilities.
The rise of science and technology in Africa can play a huge role in lifting the country out of poverty and providing hope and opportunity for many of its people. With so many bright young people living in Africa today, there is so much potential and possibility for the scientific future of the continent.